The Newsletter by Tokenize Xchange (Vol.124| February 2021)

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Moonstake Collaborates With Tokenize For A Webinar

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Moonstake organized a collaboration Webinar With Tokenize Xchange, Merkle Science, and DIFY Singapore on the 24th of Feb at 3 PM SGT.

How do you ensure the safety and security of digital assets in a centralized or decentralized system? Join these industry speakers and learn to navigate through measures that should be implemented to optimize security, and how digital asset policies influence its security.

Pre-registration is required to participate, RSVP via the link now!

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TKX Space Race Is Here. Collect TKX To Level Up!

We are pleased to announce TKX Space Race feature is here.

Accumulate TKX to rank up and learn about how many users share the same celestial title in this new addition.

Check your ranking if you have already held TKX.

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How To Purchase TKX On Our Website

Become the dominant of this TKX Space Race by making your TKX purchase now!
Step 1: Go to our website. Select Market on your dashboard. You will see this page displaying BTC-ETH market.

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Step 2: Click on the market you wish to buy TKX on the tab you see on the left.

For e.g. If you wish to trade SGD-TKX, click on SGD tab and under the tab you will see TKX.

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Step 3: Click on TKX under the SGD tab and scroll down to buy your TKX.

3.1. Limit Buy:

The points below correspond to the numbers in the image above.

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1. Your Balance: SGD balance left in your account.

2. Lowest Ask Price: Lowest selling price of 1 TKX in the market.

3. Type:

  • Limit: Your order will be filled at or better than a specified price. Any quantity that is not filled rests on the continuous order book until it is filled or cancelled.

4. Amount TKX: Key in the amount of TKX to buy.

5. Price per TKX: Key in the price to bid for 1 TKX in SGD.

6. Time In Force:

  • Good Till Cancelled (GTC): Your order will stay on the order book until they have been completely filled or until you manually cancel them.
  • More options to come in next phase

7. Fee: The trading commission fee charged for the order.

8. Total: This will show the total SGD you will be bidding for the amount of TKX you are buying.

9. Buy: Once Amount and Price are filled correctly, you may click on “Buy” to confirm your Total Bid.

3.2. Market Buy:

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The points below correspond to the numbers in the image above.

1. Your Balance: SGD balance left in your account.

2. Lowest Ask Price: The lowest selling price of 1 TKX in the market.

3. Type:

  • Market: Your order will be filled immediately at the best market price at the time of your order.

4. Amount: Key in the amount of TKX to buy.

5. Price per The best market price

6. Buy: Once the Amount is filled correctly, you may click on “Buy” to confirm your Total Bid.

Step 4: Confirm your order.

You will see a confirmation window. Check all the details. Please see the trading commission fee here. Click “Confirm” to proceed or “Cancel” to cancel the transaction.

Limit Buy:

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Market Buy:

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After confirming the order, you will see a green notification at the top of the page indicating that your order has been successfully placed.

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Step 5: You may view your order by selecting Orders under the dashboard.

Under the Order History, you are able to view your pending and completed orders.

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Step 6: You may cancel your buy order by selecting Orders under the dashboard and click on the ‘Cancel‘ button next to the order you have made. A pop-up box shown below to cancel the order will appear.

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You may click on the ‘Yes’ button to cancel your buy order.

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Bitcoin Crosses $57K, Setting Another All-Time High and Igniting a Crypto Rally

A day after the leading cryptocurrency rose more than $5,000 and along the way achieved a $1 trillion market cap, bitcoin (BTC) on Saturday morning set yet another all-time high, crossing $57,000 for the first time and sparking a broad rally among other cryptocurrencies.

  • The price of BTC (+1.53%) reached a high of $57,492.00 before settling back to $57,264,55, up 8.77% over the last 24 hours. Before yesterday’s fun and games started, BTC was at about $51,600.
  • BTC ended 2020 at bit shy of $29,000 following a better-than 300% gain over the previous 12 months. Now, that eye-popping performance is starting to look tame as less than two months into 2021, BTC has nearly doubled, with a 95.4% gain.
  • Some are attributing the astonishing rise of BTC’s price to the tremendous demand from buyers looking to hedge against inflation as governments keep spending and central banks keep printing money trying to keep their economies going through the pandemic.
  • The current ramp-up in the price of BTC was ignited earlier in the month by Tesla, when the electric-automobile manufacturer announced it had purchased $1.5 billion of the cryptocurrency for its treasury. This sparked a round of playing “who’s next?” in terms of investing treasury funds in BTC and the resulting hype helped focus the attention of main street investors on the sector overall.
  • Rising along with BTC has been ether (ETH, -4.29%) (ETH), the native token of the Ethereum blockchain. Late Friday night New York time, long after most of the action in BTC had died down for the moment, the price of ETH set a new all-time high of its own, crossing the $2,000 mark for the first time ever.
  • The excitement over BTC and ETH both hitting new peaks has now spread now to the rest of the crypto, with almost all tokens up Saturday morning and a number of them posting double-digit percentage gains.

MicroStrategy Boosts Latest Debt-for-Bitcoin Offering to $900M

MicroStrategy has adjusted its latest planned convertible senior note sale to $900 million, adding $300 million to the novel debt issuance model it now semi-regularly employs in order to raise funds to, you guessed it, buy more bitcoin.

  • The business intelligence company reaffirmed Wednesday that it intends to pour the net proceeds of this debt sale into bitcoin (BTC, +4.6%) buys, perhaps its biggest single dollar-denominated allocation yet.
  • MicroStrategy only yesterday announced the latest offering would seek to raise $600 million.
  • MSTR’s pro-bitcoin CEO, Michael Saylor, has mandated his company follow two distinct business models: 1) develop business intelligence software, 2) buy more bitcoin.
  • The firm has bought 70,784 bitcoin so far, an amount now worth around $3.6 billion. It projects the net proceeds of this sale to come in around $879 million.

World’s Oldest Central Bank Extends Digital Currency Test Till 2022

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The world’s oldest central bank, Sweden’s Riksbank, is to extend its pilot project for a potential central bank digital currency (CBDC) for another 12 months.

According to a press release on Friday, the project, which is being carried out with assistance from professional services firm Accenture, will run until February 2022.

The Riksbank said it would continue developing a technical solution for a central bank-issued e-krona “as a complement to cash,” with the primary objective being for the bank to increase its knowledge around the technology.

For 2021, the institution will continue developing its potential digital currency offering with a focus on performance and scalability. Testing offline functions and bringing external participants into the test environment is also on the table.

The project has raised some concerns from Sweden’s commercial banking sector over the viability of a sovereign CBDC and how that would impact the entire banking system.

There is no final decision over the issuance of the e-krona despite strong lobbying from the central bank to the government last year. But with traditional cash seeing falling use, even more so during the coronavirus pandemic, Sweden has been mulling a switch to the CBDC.

However, questions still remain over the digital currency’s ultimate design and underlying technology, according to Friday’s release.

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