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Corporate Account Opening

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for a Corporate Account on Tokenize Xchange. Step 1: Click on the Get started button at the top right corner on the page. Step 2 : Select " Corporate " then input your email and choose a strong password that you will remember. We recommend a password of at least 8 characters long and consists of uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and special characters. Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and tick the checkbox....

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What is Passkey? A Passkey is an authentication method based on public key cryptography. It allows users to log in using biometrics (such as fingerprints or facial recognition) or a device PIN, eliminating the need for traditional passwords. Passkey is designed to prevent phishing attacks and other common methods of password theft.   Follow the guide below to enable Passkey. Step 1: Log in to your Tokenize account. Select the user symbol from your dashboard. Click on Security.   Step...

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Account Opening

Part 1 Here is a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for a Tokenize Account. Step 1: Click on the Get started button at the top right corner on the page.   Step 2: Input your email and choose a strong password that you will remember. We recommend a password of at least 8 characters long and consists of uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and special characters. Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy tick the checkboxes and click send.   Step 3: The dashboard will show...

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About Tokenize Xchange What is Tokenize Xchange? Tokenize Xchange is one of the few platforms in Singapore which allows users to buy cryptocurrencies in...

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