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Proof of Stake: The real solution for environmental concerns?

In the previous article: The basic of Proof of Work, we explained the mechanism of PoW, and its pros and cons. The...

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Kusama Parachain Auction will take place next week: What to expect?

In an announcement at published on Jun8th, Gavin Wood, creator of Polkadot and Kusama notified a schedule for the upcoming Parachain...

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Tokenize Xchange Academy

An Easy Guide on Blockchain Incentive Structures

The incentive theory of motivation is a fundamental rationale for human behavior. It argues that incentives or ‘rewards’, can encourage a specific,...

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The basic of Proof of Work

Ethereum is going to move from the Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism algorithm to Proof of Stake (PoS) in the upcoming months...

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The Ups and Downs Before a Decentralised Future

Our thoughts on the recent market correction Cryptocurrencies will become a significant element of a digital future but it’s still an asset...

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Tokenize Xchange Academy

Beginner’s guide: Understand altcoins and altcoin investments

You must be no stranger to Bitcoin, what about Altcoins? If you’ve never heard of this concept, this article is for you!...

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Tokenize Xchange Academy

Beginner’s guide: Crypto trading volume

Alongside the Cryptocurrency market cap, trading volume is another commonly used metric for traders to get an overall picture of the market....

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Tokenize Xchange Academy

Investment guide: Cryptocurrency long and short position

If you are a newbie in cryptocurrency, you might be confused with some crypto jargon commonly used in the crypto community. Among...

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Bitcoin’s taproot upcoming upgrade and how it matters to the network

Bitcoin’s Taproot upgrade has been considered an important first step towards addressing Bitcoin’s lack of privacy and other related concerns. But what...

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Tokenize Xchange Academy

Beginner’s guide: Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms

In this short series of articles, we’ll dive deeper into the intricacies of Blockchain, break down some of those much-feared short forms,...

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